Norton Ohio Day of Prayer
Thousands of people will attend the annual National Prayer Breakfast around the country this spring. The Norton Kiwanis sponsor our local prayer breakfast every year. You are all invited! The event is attended by our local pastors, ministers, court representatives, clergy, businesses, educators and local, state and national politicians. The Norton High School Ki Club, church members and Kiwanis volunteers provide a wonderful breakfast every year. The event location changes each year and the Kiwanis always invite a dynamic speaker with an encouraging message.

The Kiwanis sponsor the event following great leaders such as Dwight D. Eisenhower who held a national day of prayer in 1953. Credit for the idea goes back to Abraham Vereide, a Norwegian immigrant and Methodist minister who lived in Seattle. In the mid-1930s, Vereide organized local groups of politicians and businessmen to talk and pray together before work, a time which wouldn’t interfere with professional or family obligations.
The meeting is to help bring the community together and to ask God to be part of our endeavors. As an opportunity for various leaders to gather at least once a year inspires, promotes working together with old friends and builds new relationships.
Tickets are sold for the event and funds go to local charity organizations along with donation boxes at the event. Please contact to attend this springs event!